Proseminar Algorithms and Data Structures 2024


Group 1 - Elsässer:

Group 2 - Elsässer: Group 3 - Cruciani:


The tutorial will take place on Monday, 14:00-15:30, in Room T.04 Jakob-Haringer-Straße 2. Tutors are Manuel Lankes and Peter Lindner. You can contact them at the following email address:


If you have any questions about the course that do not concern the tutorial, please send them to the following email address:

Theory assignments

Programming assignments

Artemis is used to process the programming tasks.

21/03/2024: First programming assignment is out. Due date: 21/04/2024

08/05/2024: Second programming assignment is out. Due date: 16/06/2024

Please send an email to with the team information (first name, last name, student ID of each team member) to be registered as a team for the second programming assignment.



The aim of the proseminar is to deepen and apply the content of the lecture Algorithms and Data Structures. Participants are divided into three groups for the proseminar, which meet on different weekly dates (see above). The work to be done for the proseminar consists of three parts: short tests, theory tasks, and programming tasks.

Registration and deregistration

Registration for the proseminar via PLUSonline is required.

Observe the university guidelines to avoid a negative degree due to late deregistration.


The three parts of the proseminar (short tests, theory tasks, programming tasks) each contribute one third to the overall grade.

In each of these sub-areas, at least 40% of the points must be achieved in order to pass the course. In addition, the following grading scale is used.